
Evafizz effervescent multivitamins have made it easy to top up your daily quota of Vitamin C and Calcium. EvaFizz C comes in the form of an effervescent tablet, that helps boost immunity, keeps you active, and comes in a tangy orange flavor.
- Dr. Priyanka Singh, Pune

Pregnancy takes a toll on health, leaving you haywire and wanting to ensure every right nutrient, in the right proportion enters your body. EvaFizz Fe and Cal are packed with  iron calcium, which greatly helped me with the required daily dose of iron during my pregnancy.
- Dr. Nilambari Desale Pawar, Nasik

The combination of Vitamin c with Ashwagandha has untold benefits. My job requires me to be on my toes, ensuring every case has my complete attention. A daily dose of EvaFizz C gives me energy, vitality, and keeps stress at bay, making it easy to focus on my activities.
- MD Medicine

It is a known fact that women, especially after their 30s, must increase their intake of calcium. I strongly recommend EvaFizz Cal, which comes with D3 advantage. Not just women, but this daily drink is beneficial for everyone who makes health a priority, with the consumption of the right nutrition.
- Dr. Sonal Chavan, Mumbai

There are plenty of reasons why women need more iron than men. Pregnancy and menstruation are the key reasons for this. Lack of iron tends to make you lethargic, out of fresh energy. EvaFizz Fe has all the goodness of iron and vitamin C, which keeps me healthy and rejuvenated. The lemon flavor is a bonus making it a deliciously healthy drink.
- Dr. Varsha Tambe, Nashik